If you want to add a family member, change your collective insurance, or update your account number, you can easily do this through Mijn Zilveren Kruis.
Modify insurance
Log in via the following links using DigiD.
- Modify healthcare insurance
- Modify collective insurance (not for ZieZo clients)
- Modify voluntary excess
- Add a family member
Modify (payment) details
Log in via the following links using DigiD.
- Modify contact details
- Modify account number
- Modify payment method
- Apply for a payment plan
- Set digital preferences
Log in with the DigiD-app or SMS code. You will sometimes need authorisation if you wish to arrange payments for someone else.
What to do when
Wish to receive post by e-mail?
Log in to Mijn Zilveren Kruis with DigiD and set your digital preferences (in Dutch only).
We can then inform you more quickly and we save the environment.
Frequently asked questions
I wish to terminate my healthcare insurance. How can I do that?
You can terminate your healthcare insurance each year from the 1st of January. If you only wish to terminate your supplementary insurance then modify your insurance in Mijn Zilveren Kruis (in Dutch only).
Can I just terminate my supplementary insurance?
In Mijn Zilveren Kruis (in Dutch only) you can terminate your supplementary insurance. If the premium has already been debited, we will pay that back to you. If we have already reimbursed any medical costs, then you will have to pay that back to us.
Have you applied for a supplementary insurance and do you wish to terminate your application? You can do so within 14 days after receiving your insurance policy.
I have a new general practitioner or dentist. Do I have to inform you?
You don’t have to inform us of your change in GP, dentist, physiotherapist or pharmacy. We will receive this information from them.
Do contact your previous GP. He can unsubscribe you and send your medical file to your new GP.
Who can be added to you my insurance policy?
You can add everyone who is registered in the Municipal Personal Records Database (Basisregistratie personen (BRP)).
- You can add persons from an EU country with their Citizen Service Number (Burgerservicenummer BSN))
- Persons from outside the EU who have a residence permit registered with Municipal Personal Records Database (Basisregistratie personen (BRP))
Why did I receive a payment reminder after modifying my payment method?
A modification you just made isn’t on the reminder. We would however, advise you to pay the reminder. You will receive a new premium overview as soon as we have processed your modification. Should you have paid too much premium, then we will reimburse you.