ZieZo Tand
What does our dental insurance cover?
ZieZo Tand 1 reimburses up to €250 and ZieZo Tand 2 up to €500 per year in dentist fees. View all reimbursements under ZieZo Tand.
ZieZo Tand 1
Ziezo Tand 1
Main features per insurance
- Health insurance card ZieZo Tand 1 (Dutch only)
- Health insurance card ZieZo Tand 2 (Dutch only)
No excess
The excess doesn't apply to dental insurance. This care is simply reimbursed.
Children up to the age of 18 insured too
You don't have to take out dental insurance for children up to the age of 18. Most dental costs for children up to 18 are reimbursed from basic insurance. Up to their 18th you don't pay premium.
Excellent cover, quick claims handling, easy to contact by phone.
Willem, via Consumentenbond
Handy extras
With ZieZo, you benefit from the advantages of Zilveren Kruis.
Frequently asked questions
With ZieZo, you will do everything possible online. You submit your bills with your smartphone via the Zilveren Kruis app or via Mijn Zilveren Kruis. You can order medicine online. And for 100% reimbursement you order certain medical devices online. Information available in Dutch only.
Prefer a wider choice? The Zilveren Kruis insurances are more extensive.
No, everybody can take out ZieZo Tand 1 and Tand 2 and a medical acceptance doesn’t apply.