Everything about payments
You pay premium for your health insurance policies and sometimes you get a bill to pay for medical costs. If you have to pay, then preferably in the way that suits you best. We can help you choose from a variety of payment options and we can also help you if you are struggling to make payments. Further information in Dutch only.
View outstanding billsWhat would you like to do?
Modify payment details
Would you like us to debit your premium on a different day or would you like to modify your bank account number? You can arrange this easily online in Mijn Zilveren Kruis (in Dutch only).
View payment options
Did you receive a bill for medical costs or are you expecting a bill for your premium. If you want to pay in instalments or by direct debit then view your options.
I can’t pay my bill now
You’ve received an expensive bill unexpectedly or maybe (this is just not the right time) the timing is inconvenient. These things can happen and it’s important to avoid additional costs so we offer you solutions for paying both your healthcare costs and your premium, for instance (delaying) postponing your healthcare costs for 30 days or applying for a payment plan to pay for your costs in instalments.
Claim healthcare costs
If you submitted claims via the app or Mijn Zilveren Kruis are paid out within 2 working days. Claims submitted via mail, however, are paid out in 10 working days so choose the method that best suits your needs.