Claim invoices for your stay in The Netherlands

Are you staying in The Netherlands temporarily? Did you require care during your stay? Claim your invoices using this form.

You will get an email as soon as we have received your bill. We do not process invoices submitted more than 3 years after the date of treatment and/or the date on which care was provided.

Your claim is for*
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Upload a photo or pdf of your international insurance certificate.

Ensure that the attachement meets the following requirements:

  • You can only upload doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, jpg, jpeg or png files.
  • Do not add a password to your attachment. We will not be able to open your attachment.
  • You can add up to 20 MB. Do you need to upload several files? In that case, the files must not exceed the total of 20 MB. There is also a maximum of 10 files.
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